"The effects of gradual cognitive training go beyond introspection on cognition, emotion and body in the dynamic model of selfreference, its relaxation response as well as reduction of chronical stress. The qualitative data of eighty-six students, psychotherapists and patients show essential aspects of the learning process which allows to analyze some of the effect structures based on the techniques of training respectively. Therefore, the extension is found in cognitive and emotional selfregulation, which is based on merely observation of ones impulse to action, as well as inner calmness, composure and stability. Furthermore, it encompasses the development of relation to oneself as well as positive changes in relation to others and aspects of emotional competence. Within the range of effects, one finds the aspects of coming back to oneself, centering or staying with oneself also, which may already hint to its application within psychotherapy, therapeutic contact as well as in psychotherapeutic process itself. Integrating the involving mechanisms, it´s shown how the systematic training of gradual introspective techniques leads to structural change which may get addressed within psychotherapy. This shows that the central tool of providing systematic techniques of introspection to form the basis for psychotherapeutic process is complemented by its effects on structuring relationship."
in Anders A.I.M. (2017). Introspektion als Wirkfaktor in der Psychotherapie Eine psychotherapiewissenschaftliche Modellbildung zu Effektstrukturen des Graduellen Kognitiven Trainings. Wiesbaden: Springer Publishers.