Preservation and Transfer of the Knowledge of Tibetan Medicine

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"The experience of self-reference, which is the key factor for the development of personality and its maturation, is strongly influenced through the child's experiences of others in its mirror neurons. Despite this kind of neurophysiological formation the person is still able to not only observe, but even modulate their way of experiencing by using systematic introspective techniques. Their effectiveness lies in combining topdown with bottomup approaches to training. Whereas this Gradual Cognitive Training is based on the emic perspective within Tibetan Medicine and Oral Buddhist transmissions, the evaluation of the effects in the process of training is founded on the analysis of the structures of change to be found in detail in numerous untranslated texts of Buddhist languages. The perspectival analysis on emic and etic perspectives results in the evaluation of a Gradual Cognitive Training. This methodological specification is not only concerned with the object of evaluation, but also allows a psychological theory on effects of meditation training, which is concerned with the model of self-reference. That model was operationalized with two questionnaires created for this purpose. In a waiting group controlled trial (N=83, control group N=71) the outcome after one month of training showed a highly significant relaxation response, evaluated with the questionnaire "ASS-SYM Symptomfragebogen" (Krampen, 2006) as well as decrease in chronical stress, evaluated with "TICS Fragebogen SSCS" (Schulz, Schlotz & Becker, 2004). This relaxation response is interpreted as a basic means for the development of self-reference. The factor analysis of the questionnaires based on the model of self-reference throughout Gradual Cognitive Training showed correlations between techniques, effects and transient experiences of training as well as the factors being influenced by the techniques and frequency of training sessions and the integration of the effects. The results show that the effects of training reach far beyond the relaxation response and wellbeing while allowing a process of personal growth whose implications are some key aspects of self-reference. The theory of self-reference through Gradual Cognitive Training is therefore regarded to be a key factor for personal growth and the development of emotional competence, which may also have relevance within psychotherapeutic work."

in Anders, A.I.M. (2016). Selbstreferenz. Ein dynamisches Selbstreferenzmodell auf der Grundlage von graduellem kognitivem Training. Wiesbaden: Springer Publishers.